
Corporate governance overview

Tharisa is incorporated in Cyprus and is therefore subject to Cyprus Companies Law. With a primary listing on the JSE under the general mining sector, Tharisa is subject to the JSE Listings Requirements and the requirements of the South African Code of Corporate Practices and Conduct laid out in King IV.

Tharisa also has a secondary standard listing of its depositary interests on the London Stock Exchange ('LSE') and is subject to the LSE Listing Rules and Disclosure and Transparency Rules applicable to a secondary standard listing. In addition, Tharisa listed on the A2X exchange in South Africa with effect from 6 February 2019.

The Company has a unitary board, which both leads and controls the Company. It comprises three executive directors and seven non-executive directors. Five of the seven non-executive directors are independent.

The Board is structured in such a way that there is a clear balance of authority, ensuring that no one director has unfettered powers. The size of the Board is regulated by the Company's Articles of Association and directors are appointed through a formal process.

More on corporate governance in our integrated annual report 2024