MetQ is a South African-based company founded in 1979 that specialises in manufacturing and distributing mineral processing equipment, with a manufacturing facility based in Rosslyn, Pretoria, South Africa, becoming one of the market leaders in processes relying on particle sizing and gravity concentration of various minerals. Tharisa acquired MetQ with effect from 1 October 2019.
MetQ developed and built its own polyurethane spraying equipment to spray solventless polyurethane as a wear-resistant coating. With this spraying system, spirals could be manufactured to rival the best international offerings and bring enormous cost savings for the mining industry. MetQ has expanded its spiral range to include custom-designed units to ensure maximum efficiency in gravity separation circuits that recover numerous minerals. Products like hydrocyclones, hydrosizers and screening media were also developed and added to the range.
Research and development is the keystone to MetQ’s success and ensures future growth.
It plays a vital role in the continuous development and upgrading of existing products, new products, and techniques.
Products are continuously improved and developed to ensure an ever-expanding range of solutions.
MetQ supplies spiral to the Tharisa Group operations and other engineering equipment required by the Group while expanding its footprint to third-party customers in multiple commodities.
Steel fabrication
Screen media
Other plant accessories